Work that will be accepted for the archives are works that are COVID-19 specific or inspired. In addition, work that is relevant to the inequities that make this pandemic even more significant will be considered - in particular, work that addresses racial inequality and environmental injustice in the time of COVID-19.
Eligible artists, curators, writers and arts organizations should display dedication to their community and profession as evidenced by their work, artistic and professional excellence, academic achievement, and exhibition or published history.
Artists, curators, and writers at all career-stages, residing in the U.S. Virgin Islands for at least two years or U.S. Virgin Islanders studying or living in the diaspora are encouraged to submit.
This project will be an ongoing open call until the COVID-19 pandemic has been declared dormant or eradicated.
This is a juried project and the project administrator reserves the right to exclude works that do not meet the exhibition criteria or guidelines, or artwork that may be deemed offensive.
Derivative works & compilations will be accepted. However, work that is an exact copy of a photograph or copyrighted material, protected by trade secret or otherwise subject to third party proprietary rights, including privacy, and publicity rights will not be accepted. Derivative work must be “substantially” different from an original.
Submissions will be published on a first come, first serve basis, in a series of posts on the USVI Covid-19 Arts Archive web site.
Photo by Clay Jones

How To Submit
Please submit work and information to: USVICOVID19ARTS@gmail.com
Visual Art & Video Digital Image:
Include your name & contact information in the email. Attach a brief artist statement (no more than a paragraph), CV and description of the work submitted with your art submission.
Arts organizations or special curatorial projects can be submitted collectively. Please provide your name, contact information and organization's mission statement and a statement about the COVID-19 specific project and a list of the participating artists.
Image Size: 800 pixels on longest side. High resolution-300 dpi
File Format: JPG (jpeg). Links to your work in a drop box file will be accepted.
Direct link video art & performance video submissions should include any necessary passwords. If your video includes a language other than English, please use subtitles in English or submit a written translation. The video submission should be a maximum duration of 6 minutes.
Include your name & contact information in the email. Attach a brief biography along with your contact information and the date the submission was created.
We will accept up to two poetry or written word submissions in a single document. Submissions should be double-spaced with one-inch margins in a Word (.doc) file.